This Project Euler problem gave me some serious optimization issues as we deal with checking a wide range of numbers to see if they’re prime.
Problem 7:
10,001st Prime
By listing the first six prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13, we can see that the 6th prime is 13.
What is the 10 001st prime number?
This problem isn’t all that difficult to write a working procedure for; I’ve seen many of these same concepts from earlier Euler problems. I was able to put together the below code fairly quickly, but what wasn’t quick was the procedure itself. This brute-force approach did eventually reach the correct answer in ~4 minutes, but that’s much too slow. The process of checking every number between 2 and i-1 isn’t an optimized solution, though effective.
DECLARE i PLS_INTEGER := 1; --current number being checked for prime-ness prime_counter PLS_INTEGER := 0; --keeps track of how many primes we have found prime BOOLEAN; BEGIN WHILE prime_counter < 10001 LOOP i:=i+1; prime := true; FOR x IN 2..i-1 LOOP IF REMAINDER(i,x) = 0 THEN --number isn't prime prime := false; exit; END IF; END LOOP; IF prime THEN prime_counter := prime_counter + 1; END IF; END LOOP; dbms_output.put_line(i); END; --output: 104743
I knew there had to be a better way to check if a number is prime, so I hit Google and found this Wikipedia article which gave me an algorithm I was able to convert to PL/SQL code, and I stored it in my new EULER_PKG for future use. Check out that link to see what’s going on inside that is_prime function.
My code looks a lot cleaner and now finds the correct solution in just .5 seconds! What a dramatic increase in efficiency.
DECLARE i PLS_INTEGER := 1; prime_counter PLS_INTEGER := 0; BEGIN WHILE prime_counter < 10001 LOOP i:=i+1; IF EULER_PKG.is_prime(i) THEN prime_counter := prime_counter + 1; END IF; END LOOP; dbms_output.put_line(i); END; --output: 104743
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