Onward to the next problem from Project Euler. We’re getting more complex now, and I’ll need to introduce a subfunction for best results.
Problem 3:
Largest Prime Factor
The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29.
What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143?
DECLARE target INTEGER := 600851475143; answer INTEGER := 0; FUNCTION Is_Prime(num INTEGER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS BEGIN --we don't need to go beyond the square root, as any factors beyond will have a LCM below FOR x IN 2..SQRT(num) LOOP IF REMAINDER(num, x) = 0 THEN RETURN FALSE; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN TRUE; END; BEGIN --REVERSE since we're looking for the max value and we can stop once we find it FOR y IN REVERSE 1..SQRT(target) LOOP --value must be a factor of target AND prime IF REMAINDER(target,y) = 0 AND Is_Prime(y) THEN answer := y; EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; dbms_output.put_line(answer); END; -- output: 6857
This code get’s the the correct answer, but I made a mathematical assumption that could yield incorrect results in other cases. The range
does not cover all cases (such as 14, which has a GPF of 7). Utilizing some guidance from Project Euler, I was able to refactor (mostly just re-write…) the code into something that will work in all cases, but adds a layer of complexity and more loops.
DECLARE target INTEGER := 14; current_factor INTEGER := 3; answer INTEGER := 1; --tracks the GPF along the way BEGIN /*first check to see if we can reduce our possible range by dividing by 2 and we don't need to check any other even numbers*/ IF REMAINDER(target, 2) = 0 THEN answer := 2; target := target/2; WHILE REMAINDER(target, 2) = 0 LOOP target := target/2; END LOOP; END IF; WHILE target > 1 LOOP /*same type of logic as above, this time starting with 3 and incrementing to each odd number.*/ IF REMAINDER(target,current_factor) = 0 THEN target := target/current_factor; answer := current_factor; WHILE REMAINDER(target, current_factor) = 0 LOOP target := target/current_factor; END LOOP; ELSE current_factor := current_factor + 2; END IF; END LOOP; dbms_output.put_line(answer); END; --output: 7
Now we have a perfectly working procedure! However, when I see code that repeats itself I have a strong urge to DRY it up. I refactored the code one final time to the below solution which utilizes a subprocedure to avoid repetition. I opted to leave our “target” number as a global level variable, but that could easily be refactored into the subprocedure as a parameter should we need to put it into a package or use it outside of Project Euler.
DECLARE target INTEGER := 600851475143; current_factor INTEGER := 2; answer INTEGER := 1; --tracks the GPF along the way PROCEDURE remove_factors(int_in INTEGER) IS BEGIN IF REMAINDER(target, int_in) = 0 THEN answer := int_in; target := target/int_in; WHILE REMAINDER(target, int_in) = 0 LOOP target := target/int_in; END LOOP; END IF; END; BEGIN WHILE target > 1 LOOP IF current_factor = 2 THEN remove_factors(current_factor); current_factor := 3; ELSE remove_factors(current_factor); current_factor := current_factor + 2; END IF; END LOOP; dbms_output.put_line(answer); END; -- output: 6857
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